How to Put the Text Into a Shape and Schedule Your First Comment with #hashtags

Nobody wants to read a long sheet of paper full of text. Make it easy to read in Content Office – separate it into paragraphs, add some pretty-looking symbols, emojis, or use templates so that you don’t have to write the same text twice. 


Visually design your text: separate into paragraphs and add pretty-looking symbols. To separate into a paragraph, press‹Enter› on the keyboard. Touch the ‹Sym› icon above the keyboard to create the design for text: add pretty-looking symbols and emojis.


It’s not advisable to put emojis in every line of text. Do not use emoticons in place of entire phrases or even words. Use emojis only where appropriate. Work out your own style of using emojis. This way your readers will get used to your posts and are going to recognize them by the standard set of emojis.


Insert a text template that’s been prepared in advance so that you don’t have to write the same text twice. Press on the‘Text› icon above the keyboard to open the available text templates. Select a template and insert it into your post or click on the template again to cancel the action.


If the text for your post exceeds 2200 symbols, Content Office will automatically move the remainder of the text to the comments section. You can also manually put the remainder of the text into the Carousel – add screenshots of the text;


Many marketing specialists and SMMs recommend putting hashtags in the comment section instead of the text box for the post. The hashtag limit for one post is 30. You can add hashtags manually or insert a hashtag collection that’s already been prepared beforehand by pressing on the ‹#tag› icon above the keyboard.


Don’t try to push the limits – it's really not advised to add 30 hashtags to every post you publish. Add around 15 here, 20-23 there, and so on. Use high-frequency, medium frequency, and low-frequency hashtags. You can check how many mentions does a hashtag have right in the Instagram app itself. Use hashtags from various categories, avoid using ones that have been blacklisted. You can read more about it in a dedicated lesson section ‹Promotion›.


To publish commentaries with hashtags, publish the post immediately, and then get back to the app. Press on the copy icon next to a scheduled comment and then press ‹Send to Instagram›. Insert the text of your commentary under the last post and publish it.